What Can Silver Sol Do For You?

Are you frustrated because your doctor can’t find a reason for the symptoms you have?
Discouraged because after taking prescribed medication your condition does not improve?

Do you feel like there is just no hope of getting better?
Are you tired of feeling sick and tired all of the time?
So were we!
Click HERE for ordering instructions.
Linda M Davis’ Silver sol testimonial: Defeating 8 years of after effects of West Nile Virus in 6 days!
Lynn Rios’ Silver sol testimonial: 23 years of infection & low immunity!
Natalie Verstraelen
Silver sol has been a staple for my family for the past 5 years solid. My daughter (now 6 years old) has always been the healthiest in her pre-school and kindergarten classes. When other children suffered repeatedly with colds and flu viruses, Grace remained healthy more often than not.
My husband had suffered from chronic sinus infections and also recurring shingles. Silver sol has eliminated his chronic sinus condition and it clears up his shingles outbreak in a matter of days when it occurs whereas the prescription meds and creams took weeks and sometimes a full month or more to help. Thank you so much for offering the 22ppm silver and a great cost!!
Marcia Fabry
I have had chronic ear problems since I was about 9 years old. I have an over abundance of a chemical in my ears that causes the tissue to dry and crack. The cracked tissue would easily become infected. I now use the silver sol with a dropper to put about 2 drops in each ear morning and night. It prevents the irritated tissue from becoming painfully infected. It is a blessing to live without constant pain in my ears! I am so glad I found nano silver.
Calvin Nokes
I’ve tried the silver gel on a rash on the back of my leg which doctors have given much ointments but nothing has helped until now – this gel is awesome!
Sandra Okay
In October of 2009, I developed a infection in my left breast. After numerous doctor visits over a year and a half period the infection persisted, despite large amounts of antibiotics of every kind.
In late May of 2011 a friend told me about Silversol and suggested it might help. I must admit that I was rather skeptical but I was willing to try just about anything by this time. A friend of mine told his brother, a distributor of Silver Sol, about my issue. He gave me a bottle of 10 ppm silver sol and ASAP silver gel. After four days of taking 4 teaspoons of 10pp silver sol each day and 4 daily applications of ASAP gel, I saw significant improvement for the first time in over 18 months. I have taken pictures of my progress with silver sol. The first picture is of my breast before using silver sol and having just completed another 10 treatment of extremely high doses of antibiotics , and the second is a mere 4 days after my first use of 10 ppm silver sol and ASAP gel, and needless to say after 2 months and no further issues, I am no longer a skeptic!
Images available upon request.
I’ve tried the solution gel on a rash on the back of my leg which doctors have given much ointments but nothing has hepled until now – this gel is awesome!